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It Finally Feels like Spring

- Outfits

Yesterday was probably the first day it finally felt like spring to me. It got up to 50, the sun was out just long enough to put a smile on my face and I was more productive than I’ve…

March Budget

- Fashion, Shopping

Raven Capri and Back in Black Tank – Ellie Monthly Subscription $49.95 + $0.00 S&H = $49.95 Forget Me Not Tank  and the Love Struck Legging – Ellie FREE: I won the free workout outfit giveaway from and so excited because I LOVE the workout clothing (could…

Merry Christmas!!!!!!

- Holidays, Outfits

I hope you are ALL having a a very Merry Christmas full of love and cheer! Have an amazing day and best wishes to you and your family and friends! My Outfit Details: Pencil Skirt, NY&C via Goodwill ::…