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Angara Review: Pear Garnet Pendant

- Accessories, Shopping

I have always been a huge fan of gemstones, and especially seem to think about them this time of year as my birthday approaches next month. One of my absolute favorite pieces of jewelry growing up was a garnet…

Vest Dressed

- Fashion, Shopping

When in doubt, put a vest on it. Guys, earlier this week when I finally started to unpack my closet (felt like a slobby slob for a couple days), I came across my vests that I think were hidden…

Favorites Around the Web // 9.5.15

- Fashion, Food, Lifestyle, Shopping

Happy Labor Day weekend! There is nothing better than getting a three-day weekend, especially when you don’t have to use PTO for it. I’ve been a bit absent this week, but it’s a combination of really needing a new computer (which…