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Snakes on a Jacket

- Outfits

Okay so there really aren’t snakes on this jacket… just snakeskin print. I don’t know, sometimes I just think I’m clever and I laugh like it’s funny.  This happens a lot at home and the bf doesn’t even know…

Moments That Take Your Breath Away

- Outfits

When I realized I have seen family I don’t see very often including my aunts, uncles, cousins,  sisters, mom, dad, grandma and bf’s family all within two weeks. That never happens. How lucky am I? When the bf and…

Favorite VMA Looks

- Fashion

Did anyone get a chance to watch the VMAs last night, or at least see the style?! Well, I didn’t have a chance to watch them all, but I certainly was excited about some of the looks… here were…