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A Bouquet of Lilies

- Outfits

Pin It As I’ve said previously, I draw inspiration from many sources and so far I’ve shown you my celebrity inspirations from Whitney Port and Hilary Duff, but today I am showing you inspiration from what I believe is…

Inspired Style: Metallic Skirt – Hilary Duff

- Outfits

My second inspiration post is from Hilary Duff… who was looking chic in a bandage metallic skirt and oxford pumps. When I first saw this ensemble I thought it was so simple, yet so cute… and a great look…

Inspired Style: Tweed Jacket – Whitney Port

- Outfits

  So I am really excited to start a new section on my blog that will also be featured under “Outfits” called the Inspiration Board.  I gather inspiration from many sources, whether it’s from a magazine spread, advertisement, celebrities,…