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Power Color | Mustard Yellow Sweaters

- Fashion, Shopping

Today’s post is all about mustard yellow, specifically, mustard yellow sweaters thanks to the suggestion of my mom (thanks MOM)! When she was visiting, we found her a gorgeous mustard blouse at Primark and were talking about it being…

6 Months in New England

- Lifestyle

Two days ago, I wrote this on the train on my commute. Just wanted to share a little update on how happy I am to be right here in New England… and how I continue to fall more in…

Witching You a Happy October

- Holidays, Outfits

Hello and HAPPY OCTOBER (from Salem, Massachusetts) witches! If you are new to these parts, then welcome to my obsession – the best month of the year – October! If you’ve been following me (or know me personally) then…